[잠보리카] 오염 방지법. 짐바브웨
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오염 방지법
짐바브웨 내각 장관은 정부가 환경보호를 위해 오염수준이 높은 물질을 생산하는 회사를 제재하는 법률을 공표할 것이라고 말했다.
Kasukuwere 장관은 세계 오존층 보호의 날과 클린업(clean-up) 짐바브웨 캠페인의 기념행사에서
공공 장소에 쓰레기를 버리는 사람에게 처벌을 망설이지 않을 것이라고 연설했다.
“우리는 환경에 많은 피해를 입혀왔던 몇몇 활동을 제지하기 위한 행정법들을 준비 중입니다.
이러한 이유로 저는 휴대전화와 통조림 산업과 같은 분야들을 주시해왔습니다.
우리는 이 산업들이 쓰레기를 처리하는 방법에 있어 책임감을 갖고 행동을 하는지 지켜볼 필요가 있습니다.” 환경부 장관은 말했다
“하라레(Harare)시의 경우가 앞에서 지적했던 상황들의 심각한 문제점을 볼 수 있는 한 사례입니다."
Kasukuwere장관은 미숙한 쓰레기 관리가, 개선이 시급한 Harare시를 포함한 짐바브웨 도시지역의 당면 과제 중 하나라고 말했다.
고승우 역
Zimbabwe: Law to Curb Pollution
By Nyemudzai Kakore
Government plans to introduce legislation to compel companies that produce materials with high levels of pollution to play a major role in environmental conservation, a Cabinet Minister has said.
Environment, Water and Climate Minister Saviour Kasukuwere, yesterday said Government would soon introduce a statutory instrument and measures to reduce environmental pollution.
Speaking at commemorations to mark the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer and launch of a clean-up Zimbabwe campaign, Minister Kasukuwere said he would not hesitate to apply punitive measures against litter bugs.
He said his ministry's special focus would be on mobile phone operators and the canning industry to adhere to the law to safeguard the environment.
"We are now coming up with some Statutory Instruments that kind of put some deterrents on some of the activities that have been contributing immensely in damaging our environment and hence I have signalled out some sectors like the mobile and canning industry. We need to see them practice much better responsibility towards whatever they dispose of," he said.
"The mobile and canning industry disposal of waste leaves a lot to be desired. If you look at the City of Harare, it is a case in point as the situation is quite disturbing.
He said poor waste management was one of the challenges facing most urban areas in the country, with Harare the most affected.